The Marine Security Guard Chronicles Vol #3 – Second Post Introduction

Leaving Niamey, Niger was bittersweet but I was eager to see the world. I had asked for my next post to be in Central Asia. I had asked to go there on word that the women were beautiful. And yes, they were! My ordered posted for Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Central Asia. Again, I had to look it up. I found it next to Iran and Afghanistan. 

I flew in at night. The Marine house was outside of the main capital city, Ashgabat. I remember thinking on the ride home that the place was beautiful. However, when we drove into the city the next day, I was completely blown away. It was the most beautiful city I had ever seen. In fact, it is still the most beautiful city I had ever seen in my life. It is amazing. It is super clean, bright, and shiny. However, most of that is because it is ruled with an iron fist. I’ll expand on that later. 

The embassy was new when we got there. I think it was just a temporary embassy because it was in mobile trailers. The atmosphere was similar to Niamey. It was a super tight group of embassy folks. I still couldn’t believe how beautiful the city was. My best friend and I would walk around downtown, horse-playing, and joking around. Things 22 years would do. I ended up extending on the program and staying in Turkmenistan for 2 years. I will go into detail more in the series. Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned!

Turkmenistan Flag
Ashgabat has amazing structures, 2003
Messing around out in town, Ashgabat 2003.

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