What is a Soulmate?

This is a question where the answers can vary wildly. Recently, my wife and I were talking about soulmates. It got me to thinking of what I believe a soulmate truly is. Is it a surface level thing? Or does it go deeper into the connection of the souls? How long does it take to discover if someone is your soulmate? These questions all come to mind. I want to dig into this and also give some examples of why I believe my wife and I are soulmates.

Let’s start with a definition of the term soulmate. This is one of the better ones that I found on Urban Dictionary. The part I like best is, “Soulmates feel that their souls are connected no matter the distance.” Secondly, I like this phrase, “A soul mate is your twin, a reflection of yourself, someone that will hold your hand and walk with you in darkness.”

How do you know when you find your soulmate? How long will it take to tell if someone is your soulmate? Both are good questions. I think soulmates start off as kindred spirits. They have a lot in common and have very similar habits, mannerisms, and thought processes. They may share the same views of money, family, and time. I think these traits, combined with experiences, can lead those two kindred spirits into becoming soulmates. Only after trials and tribulations will you find out if that person is your soulmate. Life can be difficult at times. Different events will shape us as individuals. We all start to grow into different versions of ourselves over time. Soulmates will adapt their love to that of the other person, growing in concert with these changes. Through all the events, changes, and growth the relationship forges lifelong bonds that connects the souls together. At this point, I would consider them soulmates.

I have no doubt that Kris and I are soulmates. I remember looking at the stars one day in Afghanistan (2010) and thinking, “At least there is one other person on this earth looking at the sky and thinking of me as well.” We have always been connected, no matter the distance. I think a couple more things lead us to become soulmates. The first is discipline. Kris and I are both extreme morning people. We are always on the move. We rarely sit down to smell the roses. When we do sit and talk we are planning our next vacation, business, or retirement. We feed off of each other constantly. Her soul holds me to the highest standards without her needing to say anything at all. Another item that binds us together is our love of family. Kris and I feel that assisting our family is an integral part of our lives. I think we would not have been soulmates if we had opposing views on this subject. Some people live in a zero-sum world where $1 given to someone is else is $1 out of their pocket. Kris and I love helping family and it has made us stronger in the long run.

I can go on and on about why Kris and I are soulmates. She is the love of my life and I have never considered a future without here there next to me. Now the question is; have you found a kindred spirit? Do you have a soulmate? Look back through your past. You have already met this person? If you feel there is a connection to someone that you cannot truly explain, you owe it to yourself to explore it. You never know where it may lead.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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