It’s all about the end game

As we have more conversations with family and friends about our financial mindset, the more we start to realize people don’t understand the reason that we think the way we do. I can understand where they are coming from. On the surface level, it may seem as though Kris and I are obsessed with making money. Kris and I are always brainstorming ideas on how to generate income. We are already generating a large (to us) amount of income as is, however, we do not believe in idle hands. For us, it is all about the end game.

For Kris and me, the end game is when we have our whole family together. And when we have our family together we don’t just want to survive, we want to prosper. For our family to be able to travel and explore, we will need to generate lots of income. If Kris and I want to be able to enjoy this time with our family, we will need to have a flexible schedule whilst generating income. This translates to large amounts of passive income. To build large amounts of passive income you will need large amounts of money invested into dividend-paying stocks. To have large amounts of investment income, you will have to generate large sums of earned income and business income. 

This brings us back to the present day. Kris and I are starting to brainstorm ideas for business income. We can foresee how our future can look with our full family on board, and the activities we want to do will require money. Yes, we will probably spend most of our time at our house enjoying each other’s company, but when we do leave, we want to be able to treat the family to new activities and events. Most people don’t realize that Kris’s family is from Turkmenistan, a third world country by all metrics. Being able to take them on an RV road trip from Florida to Arizona is something we dream about doing. They deserve it. 

Kris and I have decided that it is worth a little more effort in life to be able to enjoy our family to the fullest. My military pension will keep the lights on. Dividend investing is the “luxury” addition to the total portfolio. The dream of driving with family while receiving dividend payments is something to aspire to. We have already started to get a little taste of this feeling. Kris and I were outside talking when I received a notification that AGNC had paid me $6.60. Then I got another alert saying that TLT had paid me a few cents. I told Kris to imagine when those payments are a couple of hundred dollars each. And imagine when dividends come in every other day. We are slowly working towards that goal. And not only will the dividends help us throughout our lifetime but our kids and grandkids also. In the end, it is still all about family. Family is the end game. Investing is how we play the game.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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