Are you dating a Gold Digger?


Unless you are giving the other person significant wads of money just for showing up for the night, chances are you are not dating a gold digger. Anyone who thinks that they are dating a gold digger should search YouTube with the word “Sugar Baby”. My wife and I watched a video where a girl got $41,000 just for showing up at the place 3-4 times. But why do people think that they are dating gold diggers?

Everyone is money sensitive: My wife and I are 36 and 39, respectively. We have a lot of friends who are single or divorced. Everyone is so focused on money, so much so that they cannot even enjoy themselves on dates. Should the girl pay to prove she has her own money? Should the guy pay because it is the proper thing to do? If he pays does he expect something from me? The easiest answer is; the guy should pay and expect nothing at all. That’s how I rolled in my single years.

Equality: Guys now expect women to be equal, at everything. If they go on a date, they either go dutch (split the check down the middle) or they pay for exactly the items that they bought. I have met so many guys who think they are “being taken advantage of” because they bought a woman a drink. Unbelievable. If $10 really hurts your financial situation, there is a bigger problem there.

No more courting phase: So many women that my wife and I talk to are eager to get into bed with someone. There used to be a courting phase where the man would “earn” the privilege to take things to the next level. So many women now do not value themselves. The first guy who says hello to them is taking them home. So why would a guy spend money on a certain woman when he knows literally the next woman over can be had for free? It is a trend that brings down the quality of all interactions between men and women.

Sport: I have met many guys whose “Sport” is to go hunting for women to sleep with for free. Matter of fact, they look for women that will pay for them. The scary part is, there are women out there. Again, this hurts the overall balance of the male/female dynamic.

At this moment, both men and women think they are being taken advantage of and that the people they meet are gold diggers. Men: Women want to know that they are dating someone who can provide. That is the purpose of a man paying for everything. Women: Guys want to know they are dating someone who can be a caring, loving mother and wife. They also want to know that the woman respects the income he generates and will contribute to the overall health of the relationship. This does not need to be money, but cooking, cleaning, listening and growing.

I wouldn’t bring all this up if all the single people I knew were happily single. However, almost every single person I know is sad and depressed. It has only gotten worse over the years. I foresee a reset back to the dating years in the 1950s. That may be the only way to get back to a nice balance between the sexes.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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