How are you managing your time?

I recently wanted to have a conversation with a good friend on mine. We tried to link up a couple of times but she was so busy on her side that we couldn’t talk. I thought to myself, “Man if she is this busy she must be making doctor type money.” I think this way because as adults, we need to be very aware of what we are exchanging our time for. There is a limited amount of time left for us, therefore we need to explicitly exchange time for things that provide true value to us.

Kris and I have never had as much free time as we have now. The scary part is that we have also never made more money than we do now either. My job is winding down. I am not the young E-7 who is in the middle of each and every conversation or situation. I am more of an advisor than anything else. My wife had a crazy busy job in Japan. She was an event coordinator. She sometimes worked 10-12 hour days. Now she gets paid more to help Navy personnel conduct change of duty station moves. She even has worked from home since COVID. My second job, as a military science instructor, takes about 5 hours a week and pay me $35 per hour. Our roommates pay us a total of $1600 a month, and they require little upkeep on our part. We have so much free time that we spend a lot of it trying to see what our future income streams will be. Obviously I put about an hour a day into the blog. We are also looking into buying more real estate, starting a small restaurant, or starting a venue. Our free time allows us time to put our thoughts and efforts back into the family.

If my friend is so busy how can she invest her time and energy into the family? Well, in America, there is a lot of things I would call busy work. There are so many groups; kids groups, baby groups, work groups, social groups, church groups, military groups, etc.. You can be busy for every minute of your life in America if you so choose. There is nothing wrong with that. However, at the end of the day, we all have children that will need assistance, guidance, mentorship for the rest of our lives. We need to focus on building up the business and investment income that our family will need in the future. Once we are generating passive income, then more time will be available to us. Do not let the bright lights distract you. Do not be fooled by a fully booked calendar. Focus on the 3 types of income, your 3 budgets, and your life and investment mission statements. Doing this will ensure your family will be taken care of for generations and generations.


Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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