How I would invest my first $100

If I were a new investor this is how I would invest my first $100. Remember the 4 parts of a complete portfolio are High Yield Savings Account, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate. With that, let’s get into it:

$25 into a normal savings account: This would be into your Bank of America or Wells Fargo saving account. This is your first line of defense for emergencies.

$25 into High Yield Savings Account: This is your long term savings/emergency fund. You won’t take money out of here until absolutely necessary. I personally use Discover Bank for my High Yield Savings.

$25 into “I” Bonds: I would then open a account. From there I would buy a $25 “I” Savings bond. The interest rate isn’t very high, but it is a great way to start saving. Eventually, I would want to buy 30-year bonds, but the minimum is $100.

$25 into Stock Market: The Cash App is the easiest way to get into the stock market. I would put $25 on an S&P500 Electronic Traded Fund. This would invest me in the whole stock market. I personally use “SPY”.

There you have it. Repeat that same routine once a month, and it will shocking how fast things would move. Good Luck to all.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice.  I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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