3 things all young married couples should know

Getting married is a part of life for most people. You find someone special, you date them, and eventually, you want to get married. Love is the binding force that keeps marriages together, however, you have to work on loving your spouse. Love is constantly evolving, like you and your spouse. Here are 3 things every young married couple should know.

Learn how to love: “Love is wise, Love is patient”. It sure didn’t feel that way for the first couple years of our marriage. We truly loved each other but we did not speak the language of love. Love understands and agrees. Love allows you to be quiet when you want to speak, and to speak when you want to be silent. In order to learn how to love, I personally recommend the book “His Needs, Her Needs”. I finally read it 7 years into our marriage. It was 7 years too late. I recommend you read this book on your honeymoon, or even before you get married.

Learn to save and invest: Loving each other is great, believe me, but you still need to eat and drink. The reality of running a household is something that shocks young (and old) couples. You have to be hyper-organized to run a household. Budgeting is a must. Part of that budget is savings (emergency fund) and investing (for your future). Learning how to save and invest together allows you to prepare your short, mid, and long term goals. For example, if you need to purchase new furniture, where does it fit on the timeline? How will you save for it? These are questions that should be discussed at least weekly. The better you run your household, the more time you will have to work on the love portion of your relationship.

Learn to have fun: Too often, young people get married and instantly become like their parents. They have budgets and savings. They come home, give each other a little kiss, and then go their separate ways. They still love each other but they have lost that early spark. Learn to have fun with each other. Humans are outgoing people, so you will still need to go out. Trust me, the weeks go by faster when you have a couple’s trip planned for the weekend. For example, drive to a different city and stay at a hotel. Ride a hot air balloon or go to the county fair. Go to a late movie and then the Waffle House. Our favorite in Arizona was to stay up until midnight and to Jack in the Box. When things get hard in your marriage (and, yes, they will) those moments of love, excitement, and fun will be the glue that keeps the marriage together. You can’t imagine doing those moments with anyone else. Go and enjoy life. Being married isn’t a sentence to boredom, it’s a celebration of your love for each other. Go show off your amazing relationship!

Kris and our first-born, Arizona 2008.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice.  I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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